Protected Content

Congrats on reaching this page — this content is protected and is only available to authenticated (logged in) users who have subscribed to the Free, Starter, or Pro plans. Here's a tutorial on how to set up protected content. Also, you'll find a video below demonstrating how to integrate Outseta with your Webflow site. Enjoy!

Track how members engage with the content on your Webflow website

Outseta allows you to create custom activities so that you can track how users are engaging with your website. You can also use custom activities to trigger email automations as soon as a member performs a specific action on your website.

For example, an educational site may use this functionality to track things like when lessons are completed. The button below has a custom activity set up called Lesson Completed. If a user clicks this button, that engagement will be tracked in Outseta directly on the member's CRM record.

Lesson completed

This takes just minutes to set up. Learn how to set up custom engagement tracking on your site.

Powered by Outseta and Webflow
Powered by Outseta and Webflow